About Us

We are an international alliance of specialist PR firms who are experts in crisis and litigation communications counsel in our respective jurisdictions.

We come together when it makes strategic sense to collaborate on cross-border matters and when clients seek the reassurance of excellent and expert partners overseas.

What we do

We support clients and their legal teams with communications strategies during highly charged, high-profile, dynamic scenarios.

Our member firms share:


  • A professional specialisation and proven track record in crisis and litigation communications
  • A commitment to the principle that clients benefit from senior practitioners’ hands-on involvement in client work
  • An ability to assess the interests and needs of all stakeholders to deliver effective and efficient communications
  • A preference for affiliation with other independently owned ‘local champions’ as the best framework for delivering results overseas.


Our aim is simple: regardless of its locale, when a crisis occurs or conflicting interests develop, CLCA clients will benefit from the know-how of our individual member firms acting together to provide seamless and timely communications counsel in times of difficulty or dispute.

Latest News

  • Crisis and Litigation Communicators Alliance launches new Network Partnership Model

    The Crisis and Litigation Communicators Alliance (CLCA) is proud to announce the launch of its new Network Partnership model, a strategic initiative aimed at expanding collaboration within the crisis and litigation support ecosystem.

    Click here to read the full article

  • Legal Trends 2025: Insights from Berlin

    NAIMA Strategic Legal Services GmbH, our member in Berlin, Germany, recently asked corporate legal departments, lawyers,and business leaders to identify the most pressing legal trends for 2025. The results highlight a mix of emerging challenges and enduring priorities. New issues like disinformation are gaining prominence, fueled by recent developments such as Meta’s decision to limit fact-checking. At the same time,critical topics like whistleblowing and #MeToo remain central as businesses strive to foster transparent, inclusive, and legally compliant environments. These trends underscore the growing complexity of the legal landscape, where proactive strategies and litigation support services are key to staying ahead. Read the full article here

  • An update from London: “another busy round of litigation in 2025.”

      In London we anticipate another busy round of litigation in 2025. Of the main areas for dispute that we believe will continue next year, is the efforts of shareholders to hold to account companies and funds into which they invest.  Interestingly, the English court has recently held (Allianz v Barclays) that prospective claimants against fund managers or companies have to have engaged with the entity’s reports and accounts, AGM etc rather than simply jump on the bandwagon of activist litigants.  This may prove a soft break on the shareholder litigation front, but not an end to this high-profile area of law – purely the most active shareholders alleged to have been directly affected by conduct of the defendant will be able to pursue their interests. Click here to read the full article


      Last week, in partnership with American Council on Germany, First International, and Impact Research, in Berlin, Germany, Our US member KARV hosted an event: “The US Elections and the Impact on the Transatlantic Economy”. They were joined by experts from Bertelsmann Stiftung and Der Tagesspiegel, and wonderfully hosted by CMS Hasche Sigle Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwalten und Steuerberatern mbB.

  • Crisis and Litigation Communicators´ Alliance (CLCA) appoints new Secretary General

    CLCA welcomes Henrik Hierl to his new leadership role

    The Crisis and Litigation Communicators´ Alliance (CLCA) is deligthed to announce Henrik Hierl as the new Secretary General of the Alliance.

    Click Here to read the full article on LinkedIn.

  • Tagung internationaler Kommunikationsexperten in Wien

    SMJ Partners Consulting organisierte jährliches Treffen der Crisis and Litigation Communicators´ Alliance
    Klicken Sie hier um die vollständige Aussendung zu lesen. Click here to read the full article in english.  

  • LaFrenchCom Joins the CLC Alliance, a Prestigious Network of PR Professionals

    15.02.2024 CLCA, The Crisis and Litigation Communicators Alliance is deeply honored and delighted to announce its new member LaFrenchCom as the new representative member for France. Click here to read the full article    

  • Crisis and Litigation Communicators’ Alliance announces KARV Communications and HilburgAssociates as new partners in the United States and Canada

    KARV Communications and HilburgAssociates are joining specialist network See the full press release here.

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